If you have ever asked which company is behind the brand of Czech glass nail files Bohemia Crystal and instead of one you came across a number of unclear manufacturers or distributors, I would like to explain the situation to you.
Czech glass production has rightly gained great prestige in the world and its products are known worldwide as Bohemia Crystal, which in translation means nothing more than made in Czech republic. It is therefore not surprising that Czech glass nail files, after successfully entering foreign markets, began to be sold under the same name from several manufacturers.
The Bohemia Crystal brand does not represent any specific manufacturer or dealer of glass nail files. It cannot be registered or appropriated. However, it should indicate the country of origin, the Czech Republic. You can also find the brand on our glass nail files as well in combination with our company logo, diamond.
Thanks to many years of experience and unique production technology, our glass nail files have become a guarantee of quality, often under the name Bohemia Crystal. As a manufacturer, we do not only produce under our own private label, but we also provide our services to other entities on the market.
If you like our glass files and would like to establish cooperation with us, do not hesitate to contact us.
Are you interested in glass nail files? Are you owner of a small business or purchasing agent of bigger company? Buy nail files from us for lowest wholesale prices.
Buy a glass nail file directly from manufacturer from comfort of your house at our e-shop fiflenka.cz