Manicure Sticks

How to Use Glass Manicure Sticks?

Glass manicure stick are multifunctional! Each end serves something different. The round tip is used for filing and cleaning places where you cannot get with a glass nail file. The other end is called the cuticle pusher, or folk hoof.

Manicure Stickers In Glass
Glass Manicure Sticks

What Is the Cuticle Pusher for?

The cuticle is a thin layer of skin located on the edge of the nail. Its main function is to protect the fingernail from bacteria that could cause infection. The skin usually grows irregularly with the nail, making it shorter and asymmetrical. And this is exactly the moment when it is convenient to have a cuticle pusher or a hoof on hand.

The hoof is the smooth cut side of the manicure stick, which is used to push the protruding asymmetrical looking cuticles. The nails then look healthier, are thicker and optically longer.

Before use, it is good to soak your nails in warm water to soften them. Then wipe dry with a towel. Do not overdo it with pushing, the cuticle should always protrude slightly. As I wrote above, it serves as a barrier against bacteria.

Adventages of Glass Manicure Sticks


The pointed abrasive end is used for filing and cleaning hard-to-reach parts. The second, smooth cut end, is designed to push the cuticle.


The manicure stick is made of specially treated glass. The glass is non-porous and does not form bacteria. You can disinfect and sterilize it.

It will never blunt

The glass manicure stick will never wear out with normal use. With a little care, it will still look the same as when you brought it from the store.

Manicure Sticks Gallery

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